1) RAV KOOK TZ”L:My Journey With Ba’al Ha’Orot/The Master of the Lights

““All our endeavors must be directed toward disclosing the ‘or hashalom haclali’ – the light of universal harmony.” -Rav Kook TZ’L
It is Elul 3, 5775-the 80th Yaartzeit of Rav Kook TZL’s passing in 1935.
Please allow me to re-share this personal tribute and narrative of my journey with the Baal Ha’Orot-The Master Of The Lights.
Please feel free to share with others. The universal vision of Rav Kook TZ’L must emerge more fully into the world.



“A world of chaos stands before us, all the time that we have not yet reached the ‘tikkun elyon’-the highest level of healing, repairing, transforming-by uniting all life forces and all their diverse tendencies. As long as each one exalts himself, claiming, I am sovereign, I and no other–there cannot be peace in our midst…”
(Notebook 8:429, written in 1919)

In the early 1980s, in a sunlit cottage in Winnipeg Beach, Canada, I sat down to read from the writings of Rabbi Avraham Itzchak HaCohen Kook, TZ’L (1865-1935). I knew well the world of chaos. I am an Israeli-born only child of Holocaust survivors whose mother was in Auschwitz. I absorbed on the cellular level the reality that a huge darkness and evil had recently occurred in the world. For some time, and in response, I had been seeking the greatest possible light.

My search brought me to serious study…

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